What you need to know about Adrenal Fatigue

There are three primary types of stress: psychological (mental, emotional), inflammatory (poor food choices, pain, lack of sleep, toxins), and infectious (viruses, bacteria). All three types of stress trigger our brain and bodies to go into a stress response. Our brains tell our adrenal glands to pump out hormones and neurotransmitters, which in turn communicate to our body systems how to manage the stress. This is normal and healthy; brief periods of acute stress are a natural part of life. But when we stay in the stress response too long or experience it too often, the communication between our brain and body breaks down. When this happens, we lose the ability to respond appropriately to stress and we fail to recuperate quickly from the effects of stress. This loss of resiliency is called adrenal fatigue (the scientifically accurate term is Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal dysregulation, or HPA dysregulation) and the classic symptoms of it are fatigue, anxiety, weight gain, hormone imbalance, brain fog, irritability, low libido, allergies, and weakened immune function. Adrenal Fatigue is a progressive illness - it happens over time and it gradually worsens from stage 1 (Alarm phase) to stage 2 (Resistance phase) to finally stage 3 (Exhaustion phase). Many people recognize adrenal fatigue at stage 3, because that’s when symptoms of burnout and hormonal imbalance are most pronounced.

We offer trusted, research-based, proprietary herbal and nutritional supplements proven to help alleviate the symptoms of adrenal fatigue and to restore proper cortisol, sex hormone, and brain chemistry balance. Adrenal fatigue can feel terrible, but be encouraged - it is a highly treatable and entirely reversible condition.

Dr. Jamie highly recommends you take the Adrenal Stress Profile test if you have any of these symptoms. Based on your specific results, she will design for you a personalized diet, lifestyle, and supplement program. This is the most effective way to address adrenal fatigue.


See also: Stress, Energy, Metabolism, Hormone Imbalance, Mood / Brain, Sleep


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