What you need to know about Hormone Imbalance

Two of the most common causes of female hormone imbalance are cortisol dysregulation and estrogen dominance. We face an unprecedented amount of mental and emotional stress in this age of social media and instant information access. This chronic psychological stress disrupts the communication between our brain and adrenal glands, resulting in cortisol dysregulation. Symptoms of cortisol dysregulation are fatigue, anxiety, irritability, brain fog, weight gain, insomnia, loss of libido, and hormone imbalance. Prolonged cortisol dysregulation can also disrupt thyroid function, as cortisol inhibits the conversion of T4 to T3.

Estrogen dominance is another extremely common female hormone imbalance.  Many women have a predominance of estrogen relative toprogesterone. We face an unprecedented amount of xenoestrogens in the environment: in the air, water, food, medicine, furniture, clothes, carpets, cosmetics, personal care products… it’s just a reality of living in our modern, industrialized world. These xenoestrogens mimic the activity of estrogens in our bodies and will either be metabolized into “healthy” or “unhealthy” metabolites depending on our nutritional status, liver health, stress level, diet, and genetic makeup. Too much signalling from estrogens - including xenoestrogens - tells certain tissues to grow, including cysts, fibroids, and some forms of cancer.

We offer research-based proprietary nutritional and herbal formulations along with liquid bio-identical hormone drops that help you effectively metabolize unwanted estrogens, optimize your progesterone and estrogen levels (especially during seasons of high stress, as well as perimenopause and menopause), and regulate your hormones that affect your stress response and blood sugar balance.


See also: Stress, Adrenal Fatigue, Anxiety, Weight Loss, Menopause, Mood / Brain


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