What you need to know about Sleep

There’s no getting around a poor night’s sleep. Without sound sleep, it’s unlikely you’ll have a sound mind or thriving body. Troubled sleep results in irritability, loss of focus, increased inflammation, aches, and pains, poor immune function, compromised psychic regeneration, digestive upset, headaches, and fatigue, to name a few. It’s essential to sleep well. But in our fast-paced, information-loaded modern society, it can be extremely difficult to get our minds to settle and our bodies to drift into a deep and peaceful sleep. Prayer, meditation, exercise, time management, good nutrition, optimal blood sugar balance, and pruning the excess in our lives can help us triumph over insomnia and capture those ZZZ’s all through the night. Key supplements can also help with sleep by stimulating our brains to release the right hormones and neurotransmitters necessary to fall asleep. We offer research-based proprietary herbal and nutritional formulations to reduce your stress hormone cortisol; balance excitatory neural activity with inhibitory neurotransmitters; support calming alpha brain waves; and increase tryptophan, melatonin, and serotonin to feel happy, relaxed, and able to sleep.


See also: Stress, Energy, Adrenal Fatigue, Anxiety, Hormone Imbalance, Mood / Brain


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