What you need to know about Stress

Stress is ubiquitous - it’s potentially everywhere at all times, both seen and unseen, and it’s highly dependent on our perspective. There are three primary types of stress: psychological stress, inflammatory stress, and infectious stress. The most pervasive of these is psychological stress, because it has everything to do with our relationships, our social interactions, our memories, and most importantly, our perception of the situations and people in our lives. When it comes to mental-emotional stress, perception is everything. A truly threatening or discomforting experience will trigger stress, but once it’s over, the stress should abate. However, if we keep replaying it in our minds and anticipate a repeat negative experience, we will perpetuate stress in our lives.

Short periods of stress are normal and can actually benefit our brains and bodies. Acute stress keeps us alert, sharp, and energized. But chronic, unabated stress wears us down - mentally and physically. Chronic stress disrupts our brain chemicals, breaks down muscle tissue, wreaks havoc on our hormones, and weakens our immune, GI, reproductive, and cardiovascular systems. Fortunately, there’s so much we can do to prevent and correct the imbalances caused by stress. A nutritious whole foods diet, regular exercise, prayer and meditation, limited social media and screen time, more time in nature, and journaling are tried and true ways to manage stress. And of course, there are powerful herbs and nutrients to help you feel less stressed. We offer trusted, research-based, proprietary herbal and nutritional supplements proven to optimize your stress response, normalize stress hormone cortisol levels, improve your resiliency, release tension, calm your brain, and help shield you from the damaging effects of stress.


*See also: Adrenal Fatigue, Anxiety


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